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baumhaus.digital/Bildung Biodigitale/Animals/Caroli Linnaei Regnum Animale
„Animalia corpora organisata, viva et sentientia, sponteque se moventia“

„Tiere: organisierte Körper, lebend und empfindend, sich spontan bewegend“

„Animals enjoy sensation by means of a living organization, animated by a medullary substance; perception by nerves; and motion by the exertion of the will. They have members for the different purposes of life; organs for their different senses; and faculties (or powers) for the application of their different perceptions. They all originate from an egg. Their external and internal structure; their comparative anatomy, habits, instincts, and various relations to each other, are detailed in authors who professedly treat on their subjects“
6 Axones
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